R Tutorial 7.0
First let's understand the arithmetic operators available in R.
A = 5+4
gives 9
B = 5-4
gives 1
C = 5*4
gives 20
gives 20
D = 5/4
gives 1.25
gives 1.25
E = 2**3 or E = 2^3
gives 8
gives 8
F = 9%%2
gives 1 as it basically is MOD(9,2) which means what is remainder when 9 is divided by 2.
gives 1 as it basically is MOD(9,2) which means what is remainder when 9 is divided by 2.
G = 9%/%2
gives 4, basically it gives floor of the quotient, so when 9 is divided by 2, it gives 4.5, floor of which is 4.
gives 4, basically it gives floor of the quotient, so when 9 is divided by 2, it gives 4.5, floor of which is 4.
G = -9%/%2
give -5, which is fine with above stated logic.
These are basic logical operators :
Operator | Description |
< | less than |
<= | less than or equal to |
> | greater than |
>= | greater than or equal to |
== | exactly equal to |
!= | not equal to |
!x | Not x |
x | y | x OR y |
x & y | x AND y |
Let's now understand the basic numeric function available in R
abs(x) | absolute value |
sqrt(x) | square root |
ceiling(x) | ceiling(3.475) is 4 |
floor(x) | floor(3.475) is 3 |
trunc(x) | trunc(5.99) is 5 |
round(x, digits=n) | round(3.475, digits=2) is 3.48 |
signif(x, digits=n) | signif(3.475, digits=2) is 3.5 |
cos(x), sin(x), tan(x) | also acos(x), cosh(x), acosh(x), etc. |
log(x) | natural logarithm |
log10(x) | common logarithm |
exp(x) | e^x |
Let's learn these by example :
#Let's first clear the workspace
rm(list = ls())
A = abs(-4.5) # Gives 4.5
B = sqrt(4) # Gives 2
C = 4^0.5 # Again gives 2
D = ceiling(4.5) # Gives closest integer on higher side i.e. 5
E = ceiling(-4.5) # Gives closest integer on higher side i.e. -4
F = floor(4.5) # Gives closest integer on lower side i.e.4
G = floor(-4.5) # Gives closest integer on lower side i.e.-5
H = trunc(5.88999) # Gives only integer part of the number i.e. 5
I = trunc(-5.88999) # Gives only integer part of the number i.e. -5
J = round(34.5564,digits = 2) # Gives resultant number with 2 places after decimal i.e. 34.56
K = signif(34.5564,digits = 3) # Gives resultant number rounded off to 3 significant digits i.e. 34.6
it's time to learn character function available in R
This is my favorite part.
1. Substr Function
Sub-string function first : substr(x, start=n1, stop=n2)
It can be used two ways :
First for extraction :
x ="abcdef"
A = substr(x, 2, 4) # would give "bcd"
Also for replacement of letters on the basis of position :
substr(x, 2, 4) = "123" # would basically impute 2nd, 3rd, and 4th position with "1","2" and "3".
2. Paste Function
This function is used to concatenate the strings:
List_1 = data.frame(Name = c("Rajat","Vinod","Shobhit","Arun"),
Age = c(28,30,31,33),
Education = c("Engineering","M.Sc.","Engineering","MBBS"))
List_1$Name_with_salutation = paste("Mr.",List_1$Name, sep = " " )
List_1$Name_with_Degree = paste("Mr.", List_1$Name,List_1$Education, sep = " " )
You can add N number of columns and "String" within a single paste command.
It is similar to Catx function of SAS.
3. Functions for changing cases
List_1$All_caps = toupper(List_1$Name)
List_1$none_caps = tolower(List_1$Name)
4. String replacement
List_1 = data.frame(Name = c("Rajat","Vin od","Shobhit","Arun"),
Age = c(28,30,31,33),
Education = c("Engineering","M.Sc.","Engineering","MBBS"))
List_1$Try = sub("no", "#$", List_1$Name)
List_1$Try = sub("a", "w", List_1$Name ,ignore.case =TRUE)
Age = c(28,30,31,33),
Education = c("Engineering","M.Sc.","Engineering","MBBS"))
List_1$Try = sub("no", "#$", List_1$Name)
List_1$Try = sub("a", "w", List_1$Name ,ignore.case =TRUE)
When fixed = TRUE, it would do not consider the case of the text.
We would be writing more about functions in the topic specific blog later.
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We would be writing more about functions in the topic specific blog later.
Enjoy reading our other articles and stay tuned with us.
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